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Reverse Address Lookup

Discover property values, deeds, owners, transactions, and more!

What is Reverse Address Lookup?

Gain insights into a property and its residents without the need to contact a realtor. Reverse address lookup provides you with valuable information about a specific address and the people who reside there.


With just an address, you can potentially uncover a wealth of information about the current and previous property owners, home value, sales history, and even neighborhood safety data. A reverse address search report can contain surprising details, offering you numerous ways to utilize this information.


  • Make informed decisions when buying a home. Reverse address reports can reveal the names and personal information of current and previous owners, property sale and foreclosure history, mortgage and loan information, and even census data and useful neighborhood details.


  • Reconnect with old neighbors. By searching for a property address, you can find names and current contact information for former neighbors and old friends.


  • Get to know new neighbors. A reverse address search may not only provide the owner's name and information but also a list of possible residents. If someone new moves into a rental home in your neighborhood, you may even find information about the current renter.


  • Verify information about online sellers. Prior to meeting a stranger to complete an online transaction, use a reverse address search to potentially uncover important information about the seller.


  • Find out more about a neighborhood. In addition to information about a property or resident, a reverse address report can provide insights into an area, such as average home value, household income, population demographics, and even important safety details about neighborhood sex offenders.


  • Update your address book. Utilize this tool for mailing address lookup to confirm addresses before sending out holiday cards, wedding invitations, graduation or birth announcements to long-lost family members and friends.

How to use GoSearchPeople's Reverse Address Lookup

Accessing property, neighborhood, and ownership information about a home or business is simple with GoSearchPeople's Reverse Address Lookup. Start by entering the address into the search bar and selecting the correct address from the autofill drop-down menu. You can also perform an address lookup by phone number or by the person's name to find their address.


GoSearchPeople combs through multiple publicly available data sets and billions of data points to uncover information about property ownership and deeds, sales history, tax information, and property details. Within seconds, you'll be provided with a preview report. If you're interested, you can delve deeper into the available information.

What information can I find with Reverse Address Lookup?

GoSearchPeople's Reverse Address Lookup reports provide valuable information about an address, including:


  • Current property owner's name and contact information, including email addresses, social media profiles, address history, and potential relatives.

  • Names and personal data about possible residents.

  • Details about the property, such as square footage, total number of rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms, legal description, lot size, and year built.

  • Home value and sales reports, including mortgage data and property tax assessments.

  • Neighborhood information, including census figures about population, demographics, average income, and the location of nearby registered sex offenders.



When you choose GoSearchPeople for reverse address search, you gain access to comprehensive reports about the people who own and reside in the property. No need to pay for multiple searches and services.

Anatomy of an address

In the U.S., there are over 159 million residential addresses, following a standard format: house number, street name, city, state, and ZIP code.


Name or attention line: David Joe 

Company: The Company Inc. 

Delivery address: 123 Main Street 3rd FL

City, state, ZIP Code: Springfield, PA 18104


However, in rural areas, mailing addresses are based on the mail route rather than the recipient's physical street address. For example, the mailing address for someone living on a farm might read "RR 5 Box 10," indicating box #10 on rural route 5. If you only have a physical address, your letter might not reach the recipient. An address lookup can reveal an accurate mailing address.

In 2018 alone, the U.S. Post Office processed almost 37 million changes of address. Approximately 11% of the population moved to a new home in 2017. It's common for people to lose touch with family members and friends.

How GoSearchPeople Address Lookup can help

Instead of spending countless hours searching the internet or visiting libraries and courthouses, you can use GoSearchPeople to search billions of public records in dozens of databases, obtaining the information you need in under a minute in many cases.

GoSearchPeople provides virtually direct access to information that may be challenging to find on your own. We go beyond surface data, offering you all the available details. Whether you're looking for property or neighborhood data or information about the people residing in a home, you can find it in one place with a quick, simple, and confidential search.


Reasons to Use Address Search

  • Not sure how much to offer for a new house? Address lookup can provide more insight into estimated value and comparable home sales.

  • Moving to a new city or state? Use reverse address search to ensure the neighborhood is suitable for you and your family.

  • Want to reconnect with a childhood friend whose old phone number is disconnected? A reverse address search may uncover current contact information, including personal and work phone numbers, email addresses, social media profiles, and even their spouse's name.

  • Concerned about the tenant in the house next door? Reverse address lookup can reveal the property owner's name and contact information, allowing you to address your concerns.

  • Worried about neighborhood safety? Search your address to check for crime information and the presence of registered sex offenders nearby.


Whether you're looking to settle in a safe neighborhood, purchase your dream home, get to know your new neighbors, or stay in touch with family and friends, GoSearchPeople's Reverse Address Lookup makes it easy to find the information you need.

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